Ways of Wellness - Your online support for all things health and wellness!

Welcome to the Ways of Wellness blog! My name is Jon Steuart and I am a physical fitness and nutrition enthusiast. While all of the contents/opinions herein are based on my personal experiences and research over many years, and not any formal education, I am absolutely confident that there will be something for everybody who is interested in improving their physical and mental well-being. Please feel free to leave your comments and questions.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The ABC's of Health and Wellness: "B"

Today's lesson is about the letter 'B' - What a wonderful letter indeed!

Balance - Moderation and maintaining balance is essential to all aspects of life, one's efforts pertaining to health and wellness not withstanding. Creating healthy habits is a good thing - Creating "healthy" obsessions is not. Obsessing about one's weight or muscular development can, in extreme cases, ultimately manifest themselves in very ugly ways such as through the development of eating disorders and through the abuse of steroids (to give a couple examples). In other words: One's efforts to live a healthier lifestyle can be sabotaged by obsessing over the means through which they are trying to improve their life.

If you want to eat the occasional cookie - EAT IT! If your body is telling you that a day off from the gym is warranted (and likely well-deserved) - TAKE IT! Do not let health and wellness efforts negatively impact other aspects of your life (family, friends, career, etc.). Manage the lifestyle, don't let it manage you - Maintain a balance.

Miss the entry for the letter 'A' or need a refresher? Feel free to review The ABC's of Health and Wellness: "A".


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